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Did not expect that ending lol Keep up the good work !

thank you for playing the game! :D (P.S i did update the game, so the ending is a tad bit better) :)

It was my pleasure! I thought it was pretty cool either way but ill have to check it out 

Hi pnyxx. Nice little game.

hi boogadoo, thank you for playing the game! :D

Nice short

thank you for playing the game! :D

nice short

thank you for playing the game! :D

Comments below clip:

Well, this game was over before it began. I walked around, went for a door, and end of story. What did I miss [if anything]?

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.

thank you for playing the game! :D

(1 edit)

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

Super short but not bad at all! Especially for being made by a 14 year old. Assuming this was your first game? Not bad! Simple premise of a plush toy taking over a household and you escaping. Simple but fun idea! Made a video on it.


thank you for playing the game! :D